Ungarns Staatshaushalt 2020: Familie, Familie und nochmals Familie
Unter allen Budgetlinien ist es die Unterstützung der Familien, die im Haushaltsjahr 2020 den größten Anstieg verzeichnen wird.
Unter allen Budgetlinien ist es die Unterstützung der Familien, die im Haushaltsjahr 2020 den größten Anstieg verzeichnen wird.
“The country’s economic indicators are soaring, quality of life is rising, entrepreneurship is easier and easier. It is hard to grasp why the left-liberal opposition insists on mulling tax hikes...
Péter Novoszáth writes that Hungary will have a balanced budget in 2020, which shows how far the economic policy of the current government has taken the country in the past...
Starting today at 1pm, Hungary’s parliament has scheduled a five-day session, with the government’s 2020 budget bill high on the agenda.
The Hungarian defense budget will receive a significant boost of HUF 173 billion next year, meaning that the ministry will have a total HUF 616 billion (EUR 1.92 billion) at its disposal.
By increasing government spending in key areas, next year’s budget will focus on families, demographic policy, security and sustained economic growth.