Deutsch calls on EC to "take immediate steps to counter Ukraine's blackmail"
Tamás Deutsch criticised the EC’s “inaction” concerning Ukrainian restrictions on the transit of Russian crude to Hungary and Slovakia.
Tamás Deutsch criticised the EC’s “inaction” concerning Ukrainian restrictions on the transit of Russian crude to Hungary and Slovakia.
Ukraine's decision to stop delivering crude to Hungary and Slovakia was an attempt to strong-arm those countries into changing their pro-peace stance on the war.
Tamás Deutsch has berated the left-wing bloc of the European Parliament for showing a “raw and blatant hunger for power” by excluding Patriots for Europe MEPs from EP committees.
“She does nothing for peace and Europe is getting closer to a conflict," said Kinga Gál, another MEP of Fidesz.
The Patriots for Europe group received enough supporting votes Europe-wide.
Tamás Deutsch was the Fidesz-KDNP list leader in the 2024 EP election and has been the head of the Fidesz EP delegation since July 2019.
Ursula von der Leyen’s re-election as president of the European Commission is looking shaky.
The prime minister told public radio that one of the reasons was that the majority of European leaders were pro-war, and their position was based on the assumption that the only way to peace is war.
More than 20 million people had voted for the politicians of Patriots for Europe and the change its platform aimed to bring to European politics.
Europeans had not voted for a left-wing majority but a right-wing one, and they wanted sovereigntist forces rather than globalists, and they had voted for peace rather than for war.
Tamás Deutsch told the campaign launch event for the European Parliament election that all candidates on the EP list were dedicated and well-prepared patriots who had already demonstrated their talent.
Tamás Deutsch said Hungary would remain pro-peace, “no matter how much it irks Brussels bureaucrats”.
Tamás Deutsch said these forces were on course to form the majority that would be needed to upend the current line of thinking in Brussels.