Addressing fresh graduates this morning at the inauguration ceremony of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at Hungary’s National University of Public Service, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that if we let others tell us how to live our lives, whom to grant entry to our country and how to educate our children, then we will perish.
“While there are some cities in Europe where people can no longer feel safe, Hungary remains one of the safest places in Europe where not only the majority, but all minorities can live in peace,” Prime Minister Orbán said, adding that the task of the newly graduated officers will be to protect Hungary and ensure the safety of Hungarian families.
According to the prime minister, “no one embarks on a law enforcement career by accident,” as the fundamental values that urge someone to put themselves in the service of their country are primarily passed down by parents and grandparents. “This is why it is important to have Hungarian families who bring up their children with a mindset to serve their country,” the PM said.
In PM Orbán’s view, the young officers will have to face a difficult job as the world has turned upside down in recent years. “There are places where people despise officers in uniform. There are places where people would openly side with insurgents,” the prime minister said, adding that Hungary is no such place.
However, PM Orbán continued, the countries currently considered stable could quickly find themselves on the edge of chaos. “This is why we must at all times stay alert, stay strong and stay determined,” the PM concluded.