EP election campaign is not the forum to chew over politically motivated Article 7 procedure launched against Hungary

Gergely Gulyás said Article 7 had been launched against Hungary by pro-migration forces in European Parliament who didn’t favor the country’s policy on migration

During an official visit to Bucharest, Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, has pointed out that the European Parliament election campaign is not the forum to chew over the politically motivated Article 7 procedure launched against Hungary.

According to MTI, Gulyás added that in this respect at least, the European Union presidency-holder Romania “does not lack good will” towards Hungary.

Following a meeting with George Ciamba, the Romanian minister for European affairs, Gulyás said Article 7 had been launched against Hungary by pro-migration forces in European Parliament who didn’t favor the country’s policy on migration.

“We’re hopeful the May [EP] elections will bring about a shift in power relations … [and] the procedure won’t last long,” he said. The standpoints on migration of Romania and Hungary are similar, he said, adding that illegal migration “should be prevented”.

A key goal of the Romanian presidency is to join the Schengen area with no internal border controls. For this reason, Hungary’s view is the Schengen issue should not be linked to other preconditions, he said.