Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said bars and restaurants could again start serving customers outdoors when the number of Hungarians inoculated against Covid-19 reaches 3.5 million.
In a message posted on Facebook, PM Orbán also announced that while kindergartens would reopen and the lower grades of primary schools return to their classrooms on April 19, 5-8 graders would stay at home and go on with their online classes until May 10. The government has decided “to proceed gradually and carefully,” PM Orbán said, and asked parents for “patience and understanding”.
According to MTI, the prime minister welcomed the speed with which the national vaccination program was being implemented and thanked doctors, nurses, as well as those involved in the procurement and distribution of coronavirus vaccines. He said “we are going well, we could be the fastest in Europe administering the shots”.
At the same time, he said that “political attacks against the vaccines have increased both internationally and at home”, adding that those “attacks” are aimed at “creating havoc and uncertainty”. He asked residents “not to heed those anti-vaccination voices” and argued that “shots could save lives”. He advised that everyone should “accept the vaccine offered and get the shot”.