National consultation: Hungarian people stood up for the sovereignty of our country

The government has summarized the results of the national consultation, which clearly show that the Hungarian people have stood up for the sovereignty of our country and an overwhelming majority of them said no to having others decide for us on issues that fundamentally affect our lives.

Based on 1,545,628 returned questionnaires of the national consultation covering national sovereignty, migration, energy security and the war in Ukraine, more than 98 percent of Hungarians believe that a ceasefire and peace in our neighborhood are needed instead of arms transfers. Furthermore, migrant ghettos should not be created in our country, and child protection regulations should be tightened up.

We must also stand up for Hungarian farmers and GMO-free Hungarian agriculture, as well as take tougher action against foreign meddling in domestic politics.

Below are the detailed results of the 11-question poll:


1. More than 1,512,000 respondents (98.82%) agreed that the utility cost reduction program should be maintained.

2. More than 1,500,000 people (98.01%) believe that the interest rate freeze should be extended for 2024.

3. More than 1,496,000 (97.89%) agreed that the extra-profit tax should be maintained.

4. More than 1,519,000 (99.33%) responded that the creation of migrant ghettos in Hungary should not be allowed.

5. The number of people who responded that Brussels should stop supporting Palestinian organizations due to the threat of terrorism exceeded 1,485,000 (97.72%).

6. More than 1,521,000 (99.32%) responded that instead of arms shipments, there is a need for a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine.

7. More than 1,514,000 (99.06%) agreed that "we should not pay more for the support of Ukraine until we receive the money due to us."

8. More than 1,513,000 (99.02%) responded that the conditions are not yet met for Ukraine to join the European Union.

9. Regarding the admission of genetically modified Ukrainian grain, more than 1,520,000 (99.29%) believe that all possible means should be used to support Hungarian farmers and ensure the GMO-free status of Hungarian agriculture.

10. More than 1,507,000 (98.64%) responded that child protection regulations should be further tightened, which Brussels wants to abolish.

11. More than 1,499,000 (98.15%) responded that stricter action, even through legislative tightening, should be taken against foreign influence in domestic affairs.

The national consultation is a well-established government initiative to solicit public feedback on issues affecting the nation's sovereignty and policy-making. It offers a glimpse into citizens' stances on economic, security, and social matters, informing both national decision-making and international observers of Hungary's democratic engagement.