You have the right to know


You have the right to know: your taxpayer money will flow to the coffers of pro-migration NGOs

In an essay published yesterday on the official Élysée website, President Macron calls “For European Renewal with a program based on freedom, protection and progress. “We should ban,” the president writes, “the funding of European political parties by foreign powers.” We need to protect our democracies against foreign powers seeking to manipulate them.

Mar 5, 2019 - Zoltán Kovács

Sie haben das Recht zu wissen: einige in Brüssel denken, dass unsere nationalen Grenzen ein bedauerliches Hindernis für die Einwanderung darstellen

Haben Sie gemerkt, wie die Bürokraten von Brüssel von „Grenzverwaltung” statt „Grenzschutz” oder „Grenzverteidigung” sprechen? Dies ist kein Zufall. Das lässt einen grundsätzlichen Unterschied in unserem Ansatz zu Migration erkennen. Für die Vertreter der migrationsfreundlichen Lobby ist Einwanderung ein positives Ergebnis und die nationalen Grenzen sind die Hindernisse.

Feb 28, 2019 - Zoltán Kovács

You have the right to know: some in Brussels think your national borders are an unfortunate obstacle to immigration

Have you noticed how the bureaucrats in Brussels talk about “border management” instead of saying “border protection” or “border defense”? It’s not a coincidence. It betrays a fundamental difference in how we approach migration. For those in the pro-migration lobby, immigration is a positive outcome and national borders are the obstacles.

Feb 28, 2019 - Zoltán Kovács

You have the right to know: Brussels and the never-ending story of the migrant quota

On Monday, the European Commission issued a response to the government’s communication to Hungarian citizens that “everyone has a right to know what Brussels is planning.” The Commission response was published online in Hungarian as “Facts about the EU’s migration policy” and features an illustration (again in Hungarian) that says “You also have a right to know what is fact and what is fiction.”

Feb 27, 2019 - Zoltán Kovács